Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Using HTML data attributes

For those who have always been hearing about data attributes and have never actually understood how to use them. Here is an article to help you get a start on using them

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How to start your grails integration tests

I always keep forgetting how to start writing my grails integration tests. I hope this helps someone

class TestISpec extends grails.plugin.spock.IntegrationSpec {
     def 'this should do that'() {}

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Getting unique commits in a branch ..well almost

To list unique commits in a branch
git log --first-parent --no-merges
For more details checkout
Then you can format the output as follows
git log --first-parent --no-merges --pretty=format:"%H %s"
Then you get something like
3d6995f61c1359e44c98433bb5ed4251798002c3 My Commit