Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Sending mail in unix with attachment

You would need to install sharutils

sudo apt-get install sharutils

Then run this

uuencode <path_to_file> <name_to_give_attachment> | mail -s "Subject"

Also see

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sorting by type first then alphabetically

The script below ensures that items are sorted by type first then by alphabetical order.

The spaceship operator

Just ran into this and I thought it was really cool.

So the spaceship operator (<=>) delegates to the compareTo method:

assert (1 <=> 1) == 0
assert (1 <=> 2) == -1
assert (2 <=> 1) == 1
assert ('a' <=> 'z') == -1

For more checkout

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Sending mail in unix

When sending an email from unix do the following

echo "Mail Message" | mail -s "Subject"

In order to avoid getting your email marked as spam, ensure that the sending email is something realistic, probably a domain you own i.e.

Reset local git branch to match remote

Setting your branch to exactly match the remote branch can be done in two steps:

git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/master

Deleting git tags

Delete tag locally

git tag -d tagName

Delete tag on remote

git push --delete origin tagName

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

jquery ajax timeout

When making an ajax request, it seems that jQuery only sets the timeout when the timeout property in the $.ajax call is defined.

You can see that from here

Here is an excerpt from
Set a timeout (in milliseconds) for the request. This will override any global timeout set with $.ajaxSetup(). The timeout period starts at the point the $.ajax call is made; if several other requests are in progress and the browser has no connections available, it is possible for a request to time out before it can be sent. In jQuery 1.4.x and below, the XMLHttpRequest object will be in an invalid state if the request times out; accessing any object members may throw an exception. In Firefox 3.0+ only, script and JSONP requests cannot be cancelled by a timeout; the script will run even if it arrives after the timeout period.

Monday, February 15, 2016

get autocomplete for git on mac os

Weird thing, I installed git for mac and i did not get autocomplete for git.

To fix this I followed this instructions

Error starting mysql on mac os after installing with homebrew

I just recently got a mac. I then learnt that I needed to install stuff with homebrew. But after installing mysql via homebrew, I could not get it to work.

Then i read in that deleting the error file fixes the startup problem I was having.

The file I deleted is this


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Confine metaClass changes to a specific test class or test method in grails

StatisticsServiceIntegrationTest extends IntegrationSpec {
    StatisticsService statisticsService
    void "count login to private area"() {
            def user = new User(statistics: new UserStatistics())
            statisticsService.metaClass.getCurrentUser = { -> user }
            user.statistics.logins == 1

Reset last local git commit

git reset HEAD~1